Bigoted Backwards Bible Thumpin’ Texas

Yes, I live in Texas. It is one of the most bigoted, backwards, and most bible thumpin’ states there is. Now, Texas has refused to give the daughter of the Mayor of Houston a Driver’s License, because get this, she has two mothers listed on her birth certificate. And another women was denied a Driver’s License because she took the last name of her wife when they were married LEGALLY in California. I still have my Illinois Driver’s License, which expires in 2016, not because I am lazy to go get one, but, because I am afraid of the bigoted backwards bible thumpin’ bastards I will probably encounter in obtaining said license. Now why would I have an issue in obtaining a Driver’s License from the DPS you may ask? Well, I am a male to female Transsexual, and as of this time, I have not had my final surgery, so, my birth certificate, still shows my sex as male. However, back in Illinois, after I have had my name legally changed, and provided the legal name change documentation, I was able to have a Driver’s License that has female as sex, since it does make like easier when dealing with Law Enforcement, as it helps stop potential profiling. But, here in Texas, after seeing all the hatred and telling members of the LGBT community that they hope we all die and burn in hell, it makes me fear for my life. Now I was not fearful back in Chicago, but, seeing how people here are, it does frighten me. I know I am outing myself in a big way on this blog, as I really don’t tell anyone about myself. But, I am hoping that someone may see this, and understand, that I am a person too, just like all the others in the LGBT community. All we are hoping for is to have a life, in which we don’t have to fear simply walking down the street, or obtaining an ID, or Driver’s License, without being denied, because of who we love, or who we feel we truly are. The same could be said of all the minorities in this country and around the world. Just because someone is different, does that mean you automatically have to hate them, or kill them? I say, no, embrace the differences of humanity, it is because of our differences that humanity has the best chance for survival. If we all were the same, life would be boring, there would be no drive to create beauty, in how one may perceive their Deity, or in how they have faith, or in their culture, or in even love. So, please, open your minds, and your hearts to how others live, and let us all live in peace, and harmony around the world.

A Proposal for Congress

There has been a lot of talk about the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court that gave person-hood status to corporations. But, if a corporation is now a person, does that also give the right to vote to said ‘corporation person’? Since being a citizen, of the United States also grants you a right to vote. Gives you something to think about? And who would be the one to cast the vote as a corporation cannot walk into the polling place and cast their vote? Certainly couldn’t be one of the other people who work for, or own the corporation, as that would be voter fraud. And as many states are now passing voter ID laws, how would the corporation get themselves an ID? Yes, I know, this all sounds so silly doesn’t it? But, so is the idea that a corporation is a person. A person is a living breathing being, has blood flowing through their body, and needs nutrients to sustain life, and has the ability to reproduce, has cognitive thoughts (OK, I know not all people have cognitive thoughts, take Congress, and the Supreme Court for example) But, then does that also mean that a corporation now has all the rights a person has in the United States? They supposedly have the right to free speech, aka spending money for political campaigns, does this also now give them the right to bear arms, and all of the other rights we as Americans have? And if a corporation is found to commit a crime, where is the corporation incarcerated if jail time is the punishment?

So, Congress…………..WAKE UP!!!! Thank you! Now that I have your attention, this is my proposal, which you pass a law decreeing that a person, must be a living breathing HUMAN, and not an entity who’s only reason for being is to protect the owners of the corporation from being held responsible for the actions of said corporation. And that a person, must be alive, and made of flesh, and bone, and tissues, and cells, in order to vote, and have free speech, and be able to donate to campaigns. And I would also propose, that a cap of $10,000 be set as a limit to any one campaign. And that you may only donate to campaigns which directly have an impact on your life, so, can only donate within the state you VOTE in, and to a national campaign. So, if say you live in Kansas, you could not donate to campaigns in say Georgia, for state offices. And we get away with all the political PACs, but, can still donate to a national campaign of the candidate you support. And every donation is able to be seen as to the donor and amount. I also think we should do away with ALL lobbying, and that ALL members of congress, should provide a way of letting their constituents weigh in on how their representative or senator votes.

I know this was a bit rambling, but, just a few things I would like to propose to Congress, there may be more in the future, depending on the days I actually do let my delusional mind ramble.

What’s It All About, Alfie!

What’s It All About, Alfie! Yes, that was the opening line of the song Alfie, originally sung by Cher as the closing song for the movie of the same name. However, I am really not talking about the song or the movie in this blog post. I am talking about life in general, and how, people and humans in general have forgotten how to care about others. And as most people now are so concerned with only their own life, and are now getting rude to anyone who is different, or has a different point of view as them, even getting to the point of calling someone names and even threatening physical harm. And it seems most of the name calling and treats come from the right-wing, so-called Christians. They also want to bring religion in to everything, but, this country was founded because of religious persecution of religious groups in Europe and other areas. And now they want to take us back to the reason the United States was founded in the first place. No other religious group in the United States feels that the country should follow their beliefs, but, we are the one safe haven for all religions from persecution. It would be good for this country to learn from our past, and not make the same mistakes, and to get along with our fellow neighbors instead of hating someone who is different than us, if we all worked together, we could become the strong country we used to be, instead of one that is looked down upon by our allies, and scorned by those who dislike us. We need to rise above this petty bickering, and love one another, not want to harm someone because they have different beliefs than us. And who is to say which belief system is right, it could all be different facets of the same, just made easier due to regional differences, and what was available when it all started. All belief systems are right for those who share that belief and who are we to say they are wrong. After all, all the book religions are written by men, and who is to say that it wasn’t just a group of people sitting around a fire drunk, and one says, “Hey, let’s write a book about a God, and give all these rules and that along with some stories that have we have told our kids just to make them behave, and I will bet at some point in the future we will have a group of people thing that God wrote this.” Now, I am not saying that happened, but, also, how does someone know what is written in a book is true. Were they there, did they see all these things happen? No, but, they believe it did, and so, other religions have the same belief for what their traditions and/or book says. A belief is simply that, a belief, and no one should impose they beliefs on someone else, or then it is not truly their belief.
Another thing about these religious zealots, is that they really don’t practice their beliefs, and I will give Christianity as an example, since it is the one I know the best. For most of those who spout off scripture, and other beliefs are the worst offenders of not practicing what they preach, they talk about how God said this is a sin and that is a sin, but, yet they go home or whatever and commit even worse sins that those they are preaching about. The only one who can truly say what God says, is the person themselves, and belief is within each of us, and God, or whoever, whatever, one believes is within us. So, please stop with all the hate, and arguing, and please can’t we all just work together and help make this world a better place.

Hold Onto Your Hat, It’s Gonna Be Rough Out There!!

When I first created this blog, I had said to myself, I was hoping to keep it upbeat, and not go off on a rant very often.  But, sometimes, events in the world we live in make it difficult, not to have an opinion, and as the saying goes; opinion, everyone has one.  And yes, that is true, and everyone is entitled to their opinion.  Now, that being said, I also respect others opinions, but, I don’t respect how it has gotten so nasty if someone has a differing opinion from yourself.  For example, here in the United States, you have two major political parties, and I would guess, most Americans are somewhat central, albeit to one side or another.  And for the most part, they vote for who they feel is in the best interests of how they feel about the issues, regardless of party affiliation.  Then you have those who are far from center, the more extreme, of the parties.  Those who fall into this category, also have very strong beliefs in what they want, and that is great.  However, they get nasty when someone disagrees with their views, they resort to name calling, threats of violence, bullying, and other scare tactics.  And I have seen it from both sides.  Now, our political officials were elected, by the majority of the people of this country, and yes, there are some I don’t like and I do hope they do not get re-elected, but, I never would be hoping harm would take them out of office.  If they are truly a bad politician, they will not get re-elected, as long as the people want that.  Now, have I ever thought a politician was being stupid, and they angered me??  Oh hell yeah!  I really do wish the two parties could work together and get the country running again instead of bickering over every grain of sand on the beach.  The people of this country sent you, the politician to work FOR US, not AGAINST US.  We all want a country that gives an opportunity to all, to have a chance to better ourselves, and not be pushed down by those who just happen to have more money or power.  Am I against those with money or power, no, but, I do hope that those in government would actually vote how the people want, instead of who waves the most cash in front of their face.  And yes, I know that is an impossible dream, for we all know money buys power and influence.  So, what We The People need to do is to become educated in the political process, and research those who will be running for office.  And cast the vote for the candidate who best represents our ideals, not what someone who holds the biggest wallet wants, because in the end, only those who hold the purse string will win, and we will all be left in the dust.